
Please click here if you would like to contact John regarding any aspect of the True Colours books or the website or if you just want to say hello and talk football kits.

If you would like to licence any of the illustrations then please get in touch.

19 Replies to “Contact

  1. Hi John, i sell Football prints in my spare time including Dave Shields Stadium photography. I love your work and wondered if you can do an A3 Leicester City kit history print for me to sell. I am based in Leicester and i am sure it would sell really well.
    Kind regards

    1. Hola John
      Espero que puedas ayudarnos. Somos de Argentina y tenemos una web basada en “La historia de las camisetas de Tigre”, equipo que milita actualmente en segunda y que hace un año fue campeón de la Copa Superliga 2019, y de casualidad llegamos hasta acá. Queremos consultarte si hay manera de comprarte el editable para que podamos hacer nuestros diseños igual a este por ejemplo
      Esperamos respuesta y que puedas ayudarnos ya que tu trabajo nos parece fantástico!!!
      Felicitaciones y saludos cordiales

  2. Hi John

    Is it possible to buy a print of your drawings of the German football kits that would have been included in the International Football Kits book but weren’t due to copyright issues please? I have all three of your books and would love to get these to go with them. Thank you.

  3. Hi John
    I’m hoping you can help me out with an SAFC print that I’ve seen online that seems to be unavailable to order. I believe it’s a print you have produced as it has a True Colours logo at the bottom. I’m after an A3 copy of the print that has the lyrics to ‘Wise men say’ over a red and white striped background. Would it be possible to buy a copy of this print from you?
    If you could let me know that’d be great

  4. Just came across this site by chance and glad i did ,I used to love seeing all the club strips when i was younger and still do .Thank you for this trip down memory lane and seeing some great kits again .especially love the seventies section and as the kits changed .All the best , how about the lower leagues as well.Cheers !

  5. Hi John

    It’s a pleasure sending this message.

    in this quarantine i try to make a history about jersey of Mexico national team, maybe will doing a video and uploaded to youtube or only create a thread in twitter but i dont know yet.

    well the point is, you have the all kits of mexico national team? well if not may i help with some pictures that i recolected and the question of million, how much for your job?

  6. Hello,

    I was wondering if you have any sponsored posts options available on your site.
    If yes, can you please get back to me with the prices and the details for the same.

    Do let me know

  7. Hi John,

    Thanks in advance and I hope this finds you well.

    Fellow footie fan, writer and journo who recently (as in this afternoon) watched the ‘Get Shirty’ documentary.

    Twas super-engaging and super-nostalgic. Even though as die-hard (Manchester born) Red Devil I remember the ’76 FA Cup Final as if it was yesterday.

    My little claim to fame is as the creator of a would-be comic book/animated series called ‘Nutmeg,’ imagining the first female to play in the men’s game and our terrific art team had fun creating some imaginary kits for our main character, Louise Sage.

    I’m about to follow on Twitter and it would be cool to keep in touch.


    Olu Alemoru/Team Nutmeg
    louise sage

  8. Hi!
    I have a website. It’s about the colors of sports teams. At the moment, about a thousand teams are represented. Maybe you will be interested in some kind of cooperation? Backlink exchange or whatever.
    Have a nice day!

  9. Hello John,

    Got a question nagging me in my head that you might be able to answer.

    What’s the least common colour in english football (green?) and the other side of the same coin, what’s the most common (red?)?

    1. hello Mark – thanks for your message. I think green is generally accepted to be the least popular colour in English football, possibly due to the fact that grass is green and therefore there is not such good ‘stand out’ of colour, but also as it is regarded as an unlucky colour, Curiously, it is very popular in German domestic football, and in fact is a corporate colour of the DFB. Red or blue is the most popular colour and research has shown that at least at club level, red is the most successful colour.

  10. Hi there, I’m looking to answer at question that six year old daughter has asked me and I can’t find the answer anywhere, you’re my last hope! She wants to know why the club badge and maker’s logo are the opposite way round on shirts and shorts – badge on the left side of the shirt but is on the right side of the shorts. I understand that the badge is situated on the left of the shirts but can’t figure why this is reversed on the shorts? Any help you could give would be appreciated, this has got me really puzzled! Thanks

    1. Hello Colin – thanks for your message, it’s a great question and one that I’m surprised doesn’t get asked more often. Basically on a shirt the club crest is generally placed on the left, over the heart. The manufacturers logo is on the right. On the shorts the manufacturers are keen to ensure that their brand is visible as best as possible, so if a photo is taken from either the right or the left then at least their logo will be seen on either the shirts or the shorts. Adidas went through a phase of putting their logo on the BACK of the shorts. Again, the theory was that when a player is facing the other way in a photo or on TV you will still be able to see their brand. Hope this helps! John

      1. Thanks so much for the answer John, I should have guessed the answer would be commercial/financed based. I’ll now try to explain this to a six year old! Cracking website, keep up the good work! Colin

  11. Hi John,
    I love your International Football Kits book.
    My questions relate to England kits: I see on ebay occasionally a third shirt type of the 1980/1982 Admiral kit in light blue as well as a navy coloured version of the Umbro Home 2001-03 shirt. Both – the sellers claim – are official third shirt versions that were never used. Neither of them feature in your International Football Kits book.
    Are you aware of these shirts? Do you believe these shirts existed at the time?
    Many thanks.
    Kind regards from Hamburg, Germany, Götz

  12. Hi John, I design and print subbuteo box labels, had a request to do the Euros 2020/21 for boxes that will house all 4 teams, how much would it cost for 4 thumbnails, clear background of the 4 teams in Group D, Scotland, Croatia, Czech Rep & England so I can put them against the team names. Just need the tops front
    We are starting on Group D but working towards all the teams in the finals.
    It would be helpful if I could work with size on these kits, dont want them to dominate the box but to compliment it

  13. Hi John, your 3 books and work for Backpass has always always been thoroughly enjoyed by myself, given the continuing rise in popularity of football shirts, football shirt history and your body of work, will you be producing another book in future? Like an omnibus of the 3 True Colours and alot of your other stuff?


  14. Happy New Year Dennis, i just wanted to say i ve only just found this site ! i love it, just like Museum of Jerseys…..a great pool of interesting information, facts and pictures, so interesting for me and lots of other kit boffins out there….keep up the good work, just aquired one of your books too Regards Lee

  15. Very good evening, first of all, I apologize for my English. I am writing to congratulate you on your great blog and other networks in which you share all this beautiful material related to soccer jerseys. I invite you to visit my blog, where you will find, in addition to t-shirts, a short historical review of the team or club to which you belong, Without further ado, I send you a big hug.

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